
Fondazione Santomasi from 1500 to the today


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  • Pomarici Santomasi numismatics collection: a story long 2500 years
    Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, Napoli, 1995.
    XVIII, 262 p.: ill; 30 cm.
  • Silbion. A town between Greeks and indigenous people: The archaeological documentation of Gravina in Puglia’s territory from 8th to 5th centuries b-C.
    CIANCIO Angela
    Preface of Giuseppe Andreassi.
    Levante Editori, Bari, 1997. 282 p.: ill. + 4 tav.; 30 cm..
  • Landscape archeology. Knowledge of the Gravina’s historical, archeological and environmental heritage for educational goals.
    Matera. Modulex, 2000.
    A work made up of 3 volumes:

    • Vol. 1°: Peucezi people: Institutions and society. By Antonella Sarpi and Maddalena Dolce.
    • Vol. 2°: On Silbions’ traces: the town, the house, the objects.  By Letizia Sereni, Teresa Varvara, Anna Angiulli, Rosaria Dibattista, Rosa De Leo, Grazia Scarnera.
    • Vol. 3°: The rocky civilization along Gravina river: caves and Saints. By Maria Giuseppe Ladestra and Rosa Jannuzzi.
  • Gravina and the XVI century. Printed publications and manuscripts: XVI century Publications’ Catalogue
    The Capitulations (1560) and other documents (1559-1637)

    on the initiative of Mina Cacciapaglia and Nicola di Noia - Tobia Granieri.
    Taranto: Brizio, 2000.
  • Fuga d’inverno.
    RIVIELLO, Andrea
    Matera: Modulex, 2001
  • Trace: The story of a music education’s plan in the elementary school
    on the initiative of Stefania Carulli.
    Gravina in Puglia: Arti Grafiche Loverprint, 2001.
  • The economic and social context of Vagnari from I century b. C. to V century a. C.: Results after a two years long research.
    SMALL, Alastair
    This work is based on the Alastair Small’s speech at the conference in Gravina in Puglia - Sidion Cinema - on November 16th 2001 arranged by “Ettore Pomarici Santomasi” Foundation and the local Government with the support of the Apulian Archeological Superintendence.
  • The territory of Peucezia during the Roman Age: an archeological and topographic profile

    Bari: Progedit, 2002
  • Folk songs from Gravina in Puglia: an etnic-musicological research

    “ETTORE POMARICI SANTOMASI” FOUNDATION – Local Government of Gravina in Puglia
    On the initiative of Emilia Marvulli
    Gravina in Puglia (Bari): Xerostampa Carbone, 2002.

  • Some figurative terracotta from “Ettore Pomarici Santomasi” Collection”
    On the initiative of Maria Turturo.
    Altamura (Bari): [s.n.], 2003 (Altamura: Tipografia Castellano).
  • La lunga guerra col pane.
    DI MATTIA, Vincenzo
    Reprint on the initiative of “Ettore Pomarici Santomasi” Foundation - Gravina in Puglia (Bari). Bari: ZEMA, 2004.
  • … per non dimenticare…
    "ETTORE POMARICI SANTOMASI” FOUNDATION – Local Government of Gravina in Puglia
    Gravina in Puglia (Bari): [s.n.], 2005 (Gravina in Puglia: Tipografia Eurografica)

  • Orsini family from Solofra and the role of paintings in Gravina between XVII-XVIII centuries.

    DE SIMONE, Samantha
    Bari: Mario Adda Editore, 2005
  • Historical information on Gravina from its origins to the Italian Unity 455-1870
    NARDONE, Domenico
    V edition on the initiative of “Ettore Pomarici Santomasi” Foundation
    Bari: Mario Adda Editore, 2007.
  • Papà Gianni. A single act Lyrical Comedy by Giacomo Lapolla. “Ettore Pomarici Santomasi” Foundation Libretto – Single Edition Gravina, May 11th 2002..
  • “Ettore Pomarici Santomasi” Foundation and its Founder “Ettore Pomarici Santomasi” Foundation Gravina in Puglia, December 7th 2003 – Single Edition
  • Agricultural Farm – Archeology – Numismatics – Library – Historical Archives – Art Gallery – The family’s house – guns and uniforms – old coaches – Folklore – St. Vito Vecchio rocky church’s frescos – Majolica – Old clothes – The ruins of Fredericks II the Swabian’s Castle “Ettore Pomarici Santomasi” Foundation Mirabilia Project – A Communicative Plan of the National Cultural Heritage Bari Operative Centre – Swabian Castle. Rome: [s.n.], 2004 (Rome. Poliedro Interdisciplinarietà consortium coop. a.r.l.). Single Edition.
  • The Civic Archeological Museum CIANCIO, Angela Gravina (Bari): [s.n.], 2003. (Gravina . Xerostampa).
  • Silver stuffs in the Gravina in Puglia’s Sacred Art Museum BORACCESI, Giovanni Bari: Uniongrafica Corcelli, 2003