The collection of arms and military relics belonging to “Ettore Pomarici Santomasi” Foundation in Gravina can be divided in three different cores, regarding to the chronology or the origin.
At the moment we are not still able to trace the single characteristics for each group, even though, compared with historical situations, we can formulate hypothesis close to the reality.
The ancient section of the collection - and the more interesting one - is composed by Bourbon arms and uniforms dating between 1832 and 1850. We have a military uniform for the Guard of Honour, a Shakot of infantry and a set of steel weapons and firearms coming from factories of the Reign of two Sicily. The presence of stuff belonging to the Guard of Honour, i.e. an army of volunteers acting as escort and police especially for representatives of aristocracy and upper middle class, let us think, considering the background of Pomarici Santomasi Family, that the ownership of the whole collection belongs to one of its members.
The same, even if different politically, can be said for the Italian arms and uniforms included between 1860 and the end of that century.
In this collection are included an important guidon of the National Guard, a dagger for non-commissioned officer marked “Battalion of Gravina”, two entire uniforms and many caps or Kepy; regarding the size and chronology, all the pieces are attributed to no more than two persons , maybe members of the family who joined up the National Guard and the Royal Army (the arms contribute to strengthen the hypothesis).
The hunting arms, for their amount and variety, show both the differentiations of this sport, and the factories of the Reign, even if in Gravina, those manufactured, were only commissioned.
The collection includes pieces of high historical value and, on the other side, ordinary examples assigned to a larger market.
As regards the relics of the 1st World War, their source is various due to different donations from individual holders and collectors; this last section, thanks to the remarkable number of pieces given by the Apulian Superintendence for the Architectonic, Artistic and Historical Heritage too, shows the Italian and Austrian arms used during 1915 – 1918.